Your Instructor


Monta Z. Briant
Author/ Lead instructor

Monta is a renowned baby signing expert, the class creator, and author of the best-selling Baby Sign Language Basics™ books and materials (Hay House, 2004), which have been re-published in at least 5 languages. She's also owner of Baby Garten Studio, in San Diego.

I signed with both of my children from infancy, and signing enabled us to bond with each other on a level that never would have been possible otherwise. The experience was so amazing for my family that I have been compelled to share signing with other families ever since. My greatest joy is helping families to open a window into their baby’s minds and personalities. I get the biggest thrill every time a baby in my class does their first sign– it always seems like a miracle, even though I have seen it happen thousands of times now!

I am not a doctor, formally trained child-development specialist, or sign language interpreter.
I am a parent like you, who’s taught many thousands of families to open up communication and I can’t wait to do the same for you!