2 adults + baby
Vacation plans? Make up another day or watch online!
Master Class with author!
Hi, I’m Monta! I’ve been
teaching parents & babies to sign since 2001 & it’s still my favorite thing to do!
AS seen on the news
Pregnant or baby under 6 months? Join the interest list NOW, and we’ll give you an opportunity to register before registration opens to the general public.
Saturday classes often fill from this list, alone.
At the author’s own studio:
Baby Garten Studio
1947 30th St, San Diego, 92102
Baby Sign Language Basics
Series class (Ideal start age 6-9 mos)
Full-Session enrollment admits 2 adults + baby, book & online version to share with family near & far.
Price: $217 - $256 per 8-week session (pro-rates if starting late).
Siblings free, 15% military discount using code “militarybabysign15” (bring ID to first class).
Let best-selling baby signing expert & author, Monta Z Briant help open a window into your baby’s mind with this super-fun class featuring music, stories, puppets, games, bubbles and a weekly parent lesson!
Little ones typically begin signing 6-12 weeks after beginning and can eventually learn dozens of signs as they gradually transition to speech. Make new friends while learning how to lower frustration & enhance bonding and speech development. Three 8-week sessions available— Level 1, Level 2A, & Level 2B.
Fri & Sat classes with the author, Tues/ Weds with our seasoned teacher, Simona!
No time for in person classes? Try the online class!
Questions? Email / Text 619-987-4834